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MET’s, Institute of pharmacy, Bhujbal Knowledge City Adgaon, Nashik-422003 believes in gender equality and gender justice in all of its interventions and practices. Keeping these principles in centre, it is important to ensure an organizational climate that is free from discrimination and harassment with particular focus on sexual harassment. With this purpose, Internal Complaints Committee as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Harassment and Redressal) Act 2013 (14 OF 2013) WIDE NOTIFICATION PUBLISHED IN the gazette of india: extraordinary (part-ii-sec-3(I) 22nd April 2013 is established in the college.
- An Act to provide protection againsts sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to.
- Whereas sexual harassment results in violation of the fundamental rights of a woman to equality under articles 14 and 15 of the constitution of India and her right to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the constitution and right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business which includes a right to a safe environment free from sexual harassment;
- And whereas the protection against sexual harassment and right to work with dignity are universally recognised human rights by international conventions and instruments.
- Such as Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, which has been ratified on the 25th June, 1993 by the Government of India;
- And whereas it is expedient to make provisions for giving effect to the said convention for protection of women against sexual harassment at Workplace.
- The cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students and staff about woman at the college.
- The Complaints Committee will be responsible for the redressal of complaints made by employees and ensure time-bound treatment of the complaints as provided in the Act.
Objectives of the Committee
The Internal Complaint Committee is an educational resource as well as a complaint redressal mechanism for the members of faculty, staff and students of the University. Its mandates are:
- To provide a neutral, confidential and supportive environment for staff members of the college community who may have been sexually harassed
- To advice complainants of means of resolution as specified by the legislation
- To ensure fair and timely resolution of sexual harassment complaints
- To provide counselling and support services on campus
- To ensure that students, faculty and staff are provided with current and comprehensive materials on sexual harassment
- To promote awareness about sexual harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a respectful and safe college environment
The committee seeks to inform the campus community of their right to a respectful work and learning environment. It believes that if we practice respect, exercise empathy in our interactions with others so that we do not hurt anyone through what we say or do, then we can create a campus that is free of sexual harassment.
In case of any complaint, an employee/ student of the college may contact the following:
Sr.No | Name | Designation | Contact No. | Email ID |
1 | Dr. Gitanjali S. Deokar | Presiding Officer | 9404786799 | |
2 | Dr. Nilima A. Thombre | Faculty member | 9422284082 | |
3 | Dr. Neelam L. Dashputre | Faculty member | 9975735493 | |
4 | Mrs. Naina K. Patil | Faculty member | 8698542117 | |
5 | Mrs. Arati D. Kagade | Non-teaching member | 9881315784 | |
6 | Dr. Medha V.Saykhedkar | External member | 9673611777 | |
7 | Ms. Neha Ghongane | Final year student | 9175080063 | |
8 | Ms. Shreya Wagh | Third Year student | 8329855583 | |
9 | Ms. Advika Gaikwad | Second Year student | 7822062132 | |
10 | Ms. Tanishka Baviskar | Second Year student | 9699391193 | |
11 | Ms. Vaishali Palwa | D-Pharmacy student | 7620789273 | |
Definition of Sexual Harassment
According to the Supreme Court guidelines, Sexual harassment can be defined as "unwelcome" sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as:
- Physical contact and advances
- Demand or request for sexual favours
- Sexually coloured remarks
- Showing pornography
- Other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
- Violence conduct or treatment or unlawful use of force. Harassment can take the appearance of bante i.e. teasing, mocking, joking, repartee, wit, chitchat etc.or even take on the shape of unwelcome physical contact. For example, Rebuff of payment or official endorsement in the absence of sexual favors.
- Ponographic pictures/messages displayed on desks, boards or sent by mails.
- Comment made about personal appearance and dress.
- Colored jokes shared in the college campus that’s makes other uncomfortable.
Prohibited Activities
Sexual harassment has been defined as a form of sexual discrimination, consisting of unwanted sexual advances. Examples of prohibited sexual harassment include:
- Supervisors or managers explicitly or implicitly suggesting sex in return for hiring, compensation, promotion or retention decision.
- Verbal or written sexually suggestive or obscene comments, jokes or propositions.
- Unwanted physical contact such as touching, grabbing or pinching.
- Displaying sexually suggesting objects, pictures or magazines.
- Countinual expression of sexual or social interest after an indication that such interest is not desired.
- Conduct with sexual implication when such conduct interferes with the employees work performance or creates an intimidating environment.
- Suggesting or implying that failure to accept a request for date or sex would adversely affect the employee in respect to a performance evaluation or promotion.
Who can file the Complaint to the Internal Complaint Committee?
Any student, service provider, teaching, non-teaching staff may lodge a complaint against a student, service provider, teaching, non-teaching staff.
Complaint Procedure
- A complaint box shall be kept in the library for collecting the complaints. Any women and girl student who wants to files a complaint can do by either sending an email to members of anti sexual harassment cell or file written or signed complaint addressed to the chairperson of the cell. In case of sexual harassment the complaint shall include the specific nature of the incident, date and the place of the incident, name of all parties involved as well as a detailed report of all pertinent facts.
- A member who feels that’s he or she has been harassed is strongly urged to immediately bring the subject to the attention of a member of the steering committee. Inquiries and/or complaints will be investigated as quickly as possible. Any investigation will be conducted in confidential manner with a thorough investigation of the complaints.
- Any member found to have harassed another member or guest will be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedure action including reprimands, suspension or termination of membership.
- A person committing sexual harassment may also be held legally liable for his or her actions under applicable law.
- We will endeavor to protect members to the extent possible from reported harassment by non-members such as from invited guest, hosting organization, vendors and other parties who have organizational contact with our members.
Complaint and Redressal Mechanism
- The complaint box shall be opened every month to collect and sort out the complaints. The complaint shall be summoned to hear complaints if necessary.
- Complaint of harassment will be promptly and carefully investigated and Investigation will include interview with all relevant persons including the accused and other potential witness in the case of sexual harassment and decision on grievances to be taken at a fairly senior level.
- After hearing of complaint the committee shall take appropriate decision and then same is communicated to the complainant if required. Any student filling genuine harassment complaint shall be protected from reprisal or retaliation as a result of filling the complaint. Investigators will make every effort to strike a balance between the parties’ desires for privacy and the need to conduct a fair and effective investigation. If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the committee then she/he can make appeal before the Campus Co-ordinator.
- Anti sexual harassment cell shall take rational decision to discharge its duties/responsibilities for a smooth and efficient functioning of the college and to monitor overall discipline.
Punitive action
- An employee guilty of sexual harassment shall be liable to give a written apology to the victim and any of the following punitive actions: Suitable censure/warning withholding of increments. Reduction to lower service, grade or post. Compulsory retirement. Removal from service, or Dismissal from service.
- A student guilty of sexual harassment shall be liable to give a written apology to the victim and any of the following punitive actions: Suitable censure/warning. Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits. Rustication from the Institute for a period up to a certain period or Expulsion from the Institute.
- Anti Sexual Harassment Cell members are responsible for implementation of this policy.
- MET’s Institute of pharmacy, Bhujbal knowledge city, will make every reasonable effort to conduct all proceeding in same manner that will protect the confidentially of all parties. Parties to the complaints should treat the matter under the investigation with discretion and respect for the reputation of all parties involved.