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Dr. S. J. Kshirsagar
Education is not only for securing a good job, but it’s also about making oneself equipped with entrepreneurial skillset. Education should improve our thought process; help us to contribute in changing scenario of Industry with automation. So, we need to prepare ourselves accordingly during our tenure of higher education. We should also aim to become a good human being who will carry empathy in heart and will be sensitive towards society. If one follows this, then he will be bound to have good a successful career with sense of achievement and happiness.
So, what should student seek during Study tenure?
9 Essential Objectives of Students during higher education
1. Vision :
“Success gets two times, once in your mind and second in real world” (Mr. Azim Premji, Indian entrepreneur)
As oxygen is necessary for life, the vision is must for success. one of the best examples of vision is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who imagined the independent state & even the enemies from all four sides could not stop him to establish big Maratha Empire.
2. Determination :
Determination is firm or fixed intension to achieve a desired end.
Student should be determined about what they want as many career paths are available now a days. Obstacles are part of the journey but if you are determined about your goal, and if you persistently follow it then desired results will be achieved even on the difficult path.
3. Social Sensitization :
“Student should be taught for social awareness, sensitization.”
- Albert Einstein
Basis of our Indian culture is equality. We all are similar having one soul. I am like everyone else. If I get hurt by something, others will also get hurt by it. So we should think twice before doing any act. I cannot do anything alone in this world, I am living because of the society. You cannot live with only materialistic things, you need people to share your happiness, sadness and other emotions. So, we should think about deprived class in this society and help them as well. By helping them we will achieve a greater sense of happiness which is beyond any monetary gain.
4. Patience :
A student needs to be patient. This is the soul of our Indian culture. Control on emotions is a power in itself which every student should master. We need to practice patience because patience is one of the key attributes in leadership.
5. Confidence :
Self-belief is very crucial. You will find number of examples around like confidence like Steve Jobs, Sachin Tendulkar who were average in academics but later on became icons. Don’t criticize yourself for negative qualities. Identify & improve it with patience. Companies generally prefer confident students who have strong knowledge base in their respective domain. Therefore, we can improve our confidence level by Securing good and practical knowledge. Debates, Quiz, elocution competition, taking part in extracurricular activities, doing small projects such things will boost your confidence.
6. Communication Skill :
Good communication skill serves as tool for career growth. Developing excellent communication skills is extremely important as it will make you stand out from the crowd. With proper verbal or written communication, you can solve problems, issues effectively.
7. Participation :
When you participate in college activities you get confidence that you can handle any situation. As a result, you gain confidence to handle bigger responsibilities. Participation teaches you to work in a team, coordinate with other, get things done which is a life learning skill, necessary to work in any organization.
8. Innovative :
Learn from your past, live in present, trust in future & most important thing is “why” producing in your mind never let it go.
-Albert Einstein
This ‘why’ is basis of innovation, creativity. Innovation is not subject specific. You can find new ways of doing business, improving performance and solving the problem. When you think innovatively, it becomes very easy to beat out your competition. Customer needs are continually changing, in order to stay on top, you must understand customer’s need, and learn to apply design thinking for creating innovations.
9. Make the course interesting :
Respective field knowledge is primarily important from Career perspective. Knowledge will give you confidence, so we should make our subject interesting by focusing on conceptual learning, develop critical thinking and problem-based learning approach, try to understand what’s the application of topic, how it will be used to solve the problem. So always keep “Why” alive in your mind.
“We want Education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect
is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”
is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”
- Swami Vivekanand