Programme Educational Objectives (PEO):

  • PEO1: To provide knowledge of sound mathematical principles underlying various programming concepts.
  • PEO2: To develop an ability to understand complex issues in the analysis, design, implementation, and operation of information systems.
  • PEO3: To provide knowledge of mechanisms for building large-scale computer-based systems.
  • PEO4: To develop an ability to provide computer-based solutions to problems from other disciplines of science and engineering.
  • PEO5: To impart skills necessary for adapting to rapid changes taking place in the field of information and communication technologies.
  • PEO6: To provide knowledge of ethical issues arising due to deployment of information and communication technologies in society on a large scale.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):

  • PSO1: To enhance an individual's mathematical sciences and computer design engineering fundamentals.
  • PSO2: To improve hands-on experience with open source, cutting-edge computational tools, and soft skills via a comprehensive approach.
  • PSO3: To design and create applications using domain-specific ideas and expertise utilizing new age hardware and software.