The Training and Placement Cell of MET's Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik handles campus placements of Engineering, Pharmacy, Management graduate and postgraduate students. The aim of Training and Placement Cell is to provide such a platform to the students where they can use their potentials to attain valuable experience by working in the industry. The Cell is always in the practice to create MET as a preferred destination for MNCs and SMEs to conduct their placement activities. Various initiatives are taken by Training and Placement Cell to bridge the gap between the Industry and Academic standards. Some of the initiatives include organizing Industrial Person Expert Talks, also organizing Career Guidance programs for all the students throughout their education life which helps them to look forward to the opportunities of higher studies, conducting soft skill and aptitude training sessions, etc. The Training and Placement Cell tries to create Entrepreneurial culture throughout the campus with the continuous practice of expert talks and conduction of the Entrepreneur Development Program. It is also the responsibility of the Cell that the students are exposed to a variety of internship options where they can develop their skills and become corporate ready.
The department has maintained a symbiotic, vibrant, and purposeful relationship with Industries across the country and as a result has built up an impressive placement record both in terms of percentage of registered students placed, as well as the number of companies visiting the campus. In the upcoming years, we look forward to shaking hands with many more esteemed organizations to utilize the resources of the young dynamic minds available on our premises.
- To strengthen the industry-institute collaboration by signing MoUs
- Carrying out need base the continuous assessment of the technical and nontechnical skills of the students that help them identify their weaknesses
- Organize the career development programs that help students to stay motivated for placements, higher studies or Entrepreneurship
- Organizing expert talks for all the students to cope up well with the expectation of academic and non-academic needs
- Acting as a strong link between students, alumni, and the employment community
- Continuous active communication with the industries for sponsorship projects, internships, placements and keep updates for latest trends
- Always aim to provide the best possible support to an individual for encashment of available opportunities to excel
Prof. Shailendra C. Vidhate
Institute of Engineering
Direct No.: (0253) 2555894
Fax: (0253) 2303203
Mobile No : +91 9372938921
Prof. ....
Institute of Management
Direct No.:
Mobile No : +91
Prof. ....
Institute of Pharmacy
Direct No.:
Mobile No : +91
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Institute of Technology, Polyechnic
Direct No.:
Mobile No : +91
Prof. ....
Institute of Information Technology (CDAC ACTS)
Direct No.:
Mobile No : +91
Prof. ....
Institute of D.Pharmacy
Direct No.:
Mobile No : +91
Prof. ....
School of Architecture & Interior Design
Direct No.:
Mobile No : +91